jip's listening history

oldfolks2's avatar
A simple song , so a simple recording ........
Lady Jane's avatar
Lyrics have been adapted from a poem Mike wrote when he was in his teens. Enjoy! XOX
Lady Jane's avatar
Another lyrically-challenged collaboration with jip1965, who sent me a guitar, bongo, percussion track with a recorder playing named, simply, 'Love'. I added the piccolo, crystals and windchimes from my virtual keyboard, renamed it 'What is…
Lady Jane's avatar
Another collab with Jip, with me adding the vibes, pad of the orient, flute and vocals. From the original da da da da das before I came up with any lyrics, I wasn't happy with any of the melodies. This is the result of me getting bored with…
Lady Jane's avatar
Based on a poem by William Sharp that I found while researching my family history. The poem has been put to music once already, by one Christopher Goldsack, http://www.sundown.pair.com/Sharp/piratepoem.htm but I wanted to put my own little…
jip's avatar
Most of the lyrics written in 1999, a tough year. Many thanks to JB for his awesome screaming lead playing (done first take, I should add!!!) and to LadyJane for supplying some oooo's. (anyone needing some vocals - send her your song!)
Lady Jane's avatar
Once upon a time, in a land far away... Just a minute! xOx
jip's avatar
A song about, well, s**t happens, but all in all, it's alright. Thanks to TwoRegs (singing), Freight Drive Reprobate (singing and harmonica)and Lady Jane (Singing in posh mode). Hope you like.
jip's avatar
Another earworm needing to be expressed - comes to my head when looking at the moon from my garden. I'd love some lyrics - "oh beautiful moon, dah de da da dah" etc but haven't landed on any yet. Its also a bit Taize like, except totally pagan.
Newbold's avatar