jip's listening history

jip's avatar
A collab with LJ. You may have heard it with a Burnley accent. This is a softer version.
jip's avatar
Well now - this is a collaboration between myself and lady Jane. It's an odd tale about a prince and a water maiden, with a twist in the "tail". Sounds quite 70's prog rock - hear it out for the twist. Lyrics: "In a land far away, lived a prince…
FDR's avatar
Rock n roll!
jip's avatar
A view on ghosts. Used my tenor recorder, guitars, and bass. Bizarre how once song writing starts, it seems to write itself. Hope you like.
FDR's avatar
My second song with chicken in it!
FDR's avatar
Hello Sarah
FDR's avatar
Crow!!! i love em,we got loads of em at work,they make me laugh,thanks once again to the lovely Lady Jane for the backing crows :)
FDR's avatar
Wrote this after hearing on the radio of a bloke who ran off to France with his underage girlfriend and guess what? he's doing time (asshole) Thanks to Lady Jane for backing vocals
jip's avatar
Jip and JB in the Jipster studio, sitting down with guitars and a few beers, and many laughs. It was almost abandoned at one point, but we pressed on. Here's the result. I don't think the mouse has a name.
oldfolks2's avatar
A simple song , so a simple recording ........