Joe Bradford
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Ayah in Focus: “…do not kill yourselves, indeed God is merciful with you .” [4:29]
Summary: If each of us knew when we would die, we would do all that we could to prevent it. If each of us knew how we would die, we would avoid that cause. Many…
Change is inevitable. Change happens not because you are a bad person, but because you a human being. Realizing that changes is something we can cope with, picking ourselves up afterwards and learning from our experiences, is what change is about…
How do we bridge the gap between community/national platforms and the everyday common muslim? We learn countless things in institutes like Zaytuna and AlMaghrib, we have broad initiatives by the likes of MAS and ISNA; why then are our Islamic…
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Change is inevitable. Change happens not because you are a bad person, but because you a human being. Realizing that changes is something we can cope with, picking ourselves up afterwards and learning from our experiences, is what change is about…
How do we bridge the gap between community/national platforms and the everyday common muslim? We learn countless things in institutes like Zaytuna and AlMaghrib, we have broad initiatives by the likes of MAS and ISNA; why then are our Islamic…
from United States
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