justmerritt's listening history
Dan Spencer wrote the main idea to this song. he gave it to me over a break and i added the music to it and ended up with this.
Tamer and i took turns playing around with the keyboard.
i believe this was the first 21 Grams song i wrote. the riff really stuck to myself and several other people so we kept working with it.
Dan Spencer helped with the lyrics
one of the songs i'm most content with on this album. written along with several in the bowling alley (aka basment) of my highschool dorm.
an instrumental track.
the voices/screaming/giggling in the back are Melissa Akkurt being tickled by Buddy Fick.
about a friend.
really not proud of it as much as the others.
i hope the voice isnt too offputing.
its getting better though.
late nights, thoughts, recordings. much black tea and mate.
The text on this track comes off a B-side from one of [Putnam Aldrich's](http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Putnam_Aldrich) (my great-grandfather) records. He was a harpsichordist, a professor at Stanford, a chain smoker, and apparently had a sense…