
kaioni's avatar

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kaioni's avatar
Track 2 from GET BRAVE! album. I wrote this hoping to encourage people to really energize their lives. Get involved. To not let money & the status quo define how things should be. Things can be anything.
kaioni's avatar
Track 1 from the GET BRAVE! album. I wrote this about how we can lose the planet if we don't make changes within our selves & how things are done in this world of industry & product.

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kaioni's avatar
Track 1 from the GET BRAVE! album. I wrote this about how we can lose the planet if we don't make changes within our selves & how things are done in this world of industry & product.
kaioni's avatar

My musical style is eco-lectro, as the music is largely electronic but the lyrics & theme speak on the environment, the world, systems, equality, money, time, humanity, how we treat each other, things, loves, food, health, & lives. I’ve created two albums so far & working on a third - which is more dancehall & experimental. There’s so much in this world to learn, so let’s communicate & be creative!

(uploading a ton more soon)

from New York City, United States

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2 tracks