karmacist's listening history

mmi's avatar
Haven't recorded anything in a while. Stuff busting to get out... Here's one of the ideas I'm playing around with.
mmi's avatar
Started off with me just goofing around with Battery and a couple of other NI things (which are new to me) and grew into this... It may still have places to go.
mmi's avatar
Some experimentation that started with sandbags saying that he was looking for a wood sound. I responded with marimba plus monster reverb... and I quickly noodled together an ambient thing. I wondered aloud whether I was done or should continue…
mmi's avatar
Another experiment. The name comes from the fact that I was in the woods; not because I was really concerned about making woodsy sounds... Thanks again to glu and Chris McGrath for opening my eyes to some different Live tricks...
glu's avatar
unfinished crap from January 2009. I'm in the purging mood.
glu's avatar
Left over junk from RPM 2009
glu's avatar
Field recording from SE Peru. Came across this pissed off spider monkey and decided to record a few minutes of this vocal bout. I'm not sure what elicited such a vocal temperament, and of course, at the time, I was worried it was a large cat…
discoLust MACHINE's avatar
discoLust MACHINE's avatar
Quick dubby house track made at The Cup
discoLust MACHINE's avatar
samples pulled from turntablelab's weekly email + the Sequential Circuits Drumtraks pushed through a Korg guitar pedal + the MPD + me on some drums + some vinyl