kavin.'s listening history
Song 3 for the RPM Challenge
Fly away
Leave it now
You’re time has come
Earn that beautiful reward
Time is cruel
It is never kind
We can only hope to find
Some love and joy
For awhile when we’re here
Years marched by
Running out of lyrics ideas so here's an instrumental. Dance!
RPM day 2
Now I ain’t no groundhog baby
I can barely see my shoes
If I see a shadow it’s cos I’ve got the blues
If you want a weather forecast
I suggest that you watch the news
But I tell you something I can predict
There will be 6 more…
Song 3 for the RPM Challenge
Fly away
Leave it now
You’re time has come
Earn that beautiful reward
Time is cruel
It is never kind
We can only hope to find
Some love and joy
For awhile when we’re here
Years marched by
Made it through another year
Still don’t know why I’m here
Make some music drink some beer
Sounds alright to me
Loved ones leave
Friends come then go
Everything can change so quick
Don’t let the bullshit bring you down
Just enjoy this…