kavin.'s listening history

vaisvil's avatar
Electroharmonix vocoder, Hydrasynth, guitar, bass, pan drum samples
Vlad & Me's avatar
This is a recording my brother and I did together in about 2008. He played the piano and I’m on viola. He passed away on 05 December 2020. We all miss him terribly - I’m glad we took the chance to make some small recordings like this. He…
Dweeb's avatar
DON'T HIKE ALONE (Bohnenberger) Everybody’s laying in the sun On the boat the fishermen Are having lots of fun I can’t find a partner A single loyal friend Adventure I simply will pretend My equipment comes together well A pair of…
JESMIAUS 's avatar
12 string acoustic chords and vocals cover of Hawkwind's "Hurry on Sundown". I'm a bit of a hawkwind fan too. So glad to have my 12 string back with me.
twirretwarre's avatar
who has her birthday today. She is the hedgehoglady who has helped me all the time with advice and booklets, and daily support, to take care of Ukkie, the little hedgehog, who was 220 grams and now already 954!! :-) I hope you like the music…
Johnny Stone's avatar
Breaking Light's avatar
live guitar looping improvised immediately after seeing the total solar eclipse 4/8/24.
trawnajim's avatar
Sometimes, just a bunch of rubbish from a soundcheck can be used to create something interesting. In this case, setting up to record tenor sax (with a tin-foil pie plate covering the bell), some microphone taps, and a bit of vocalising, most with…
Johnny Stone's avatar
kavin.'s avatar