Kevyspice's listening history

JellySpice's avatar
The Zoom R16 recorders we use display a friendly message when they shut down ("Goodbye See You"), and this is the message that displays when they boot. Not quite as friendly, but it does serve to bound the album.
Clouds Cove's avatar
Kevin recorded this one in two takes on his Cathead Lowebow #4, as featured on the larger group's RPM efforts a couple of years ago.
Clouds Cove's avatar
Kevin repurposed the same MIDI track from "At Least We Still Have Power" to make this one - change instruments and tempo, and gentle chamber music becomes a tense nightmare.
Clouds Cove's avatar
Kevin used a drum plugin and keyboard loops on this one.
Clouds Cove's avatar
Kevin threw this one together while getting familiar with Dan's DAW software. (Could easily be called "Loops and Fades" on an album with a different theme...)
Clouds Cove's avatar
Dan wrote this one, Kevin tightened up the MIDI parts, Dan added a guitar part, then Kevin exported the WAV file, changed the name, and added it to the album. (This one put Kevin in mind of the old Weather Channel local forecast from the early…
Clouds Cove's avatar
Kevin did this one. The "guitar" part was recorded on a keyboard at a Spice Rack Collective recording session, then Kevin added a bass part, used a drum plugin to generate the drum part, gave the thing a name, and added it to the album.
Clouds Cove's avatar
Dan wrote this one, Kevin exported it, changed the name, and added it to the album.
Clouds Cove's avatar
Kevin played around with a MIDI file from his solo album, changed the instruments and tempo, liked the results, changed the name, and added it to the album.
Clouds Cove's avatar
Dan wrote this one to test new DAW software (and to pay homage to an old favorite), then added some synth guitar, then Kevin added some synth percussion, exported the WAV file, changed the name, and added it to the album.