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not an existence but an utterance


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“There doesn’t seem to be anything to discuss. A needle that no one ever lost, in a haystack that never was.

“We’ve been damned by giants, sound asleep. Things that are leprous to the faithful. Things that deep-sea fishes are bumped by.

“Bombardments of this earth. Cannonballs embedded in trees. Iron and stones that fall from the sky. Cinders and ashes and slag. Sand blown by the sirocco.

“What are the discoveries of geology or biology to a theologian? Vast constructions that show no interest in us.

“The damnation of denial, the damnation of disregard. Ours is not an existence but an utterance. I can only regard it as a jest.”
– Charles Fort, The Book of the Damned, 1919 (Quoted and rearranged in 2025)

VCV Rack patch augmented with text-to-speech synth voice.

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