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Fear from the left

Fear from the right

Fear from the moderate left and moderate right

Fear from the left

fear from the right

Fear from the far far left

and far far right x 2

He say

Its a fact stats show its unwise

She say

His stats are crap and its all lies

She say

Facts support the opposite view

He say fact is she won’t tell you the truth

When they he say she say I say forget it x 3

Cos this he say so say

is oh so pathetic.

I say

Forget it I’ll abstain from the vote x 3

Better the devil you know

Better the hell at home

On the far left right left right left side of the fence

Politicians on question time flogging their points to death

its like the in out in out shake it all about pretense

don’t let the people decide, they’ve no sense. X 2

Referendum dumbs making their selection

Demo-falacy at the general election

See the monarchy set the parliament in session

WTF on that fact’s a valid question

Vets all fought for the vote and for your rights

They may not’ve if they’d known what it’d look like

Cherish ya vote. Or throw it away

Whatever you do you get no say. Ain’t that the way?

I say

Forget it I’ll abstain from the vote x 3

Apathy grows

Until the anger explodes

On the far left right left right left side of the fence

Politicians on question time flogging their points to death

its like the in out in out shake it all about pretense

don’t let the people decide, they’ve no sense. X 2

Fear from the left

Fear from the right

Fear from the moderate left and moderate right

Fear from the left

fear from the right

Fear from the far far left

and far far right x 2

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