Lena & Irina Panfilova's listening history

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This is about aging and looking for constancy and stability in your life.
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A song about the first time we made love.
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Looking for a break.
Endicott Road's avatar
This is a song about what I couldn't do for my lady love. The lyrics were written in a hotel room while I was missing her. ER
Endicott Road's avatar
A pledge to the love of my life. Used a little different instrumentation and arrangement on this. I like it. What do you think?
Endicott Road's avatar
This song speaks to a dichotomy I've noticed about the digital age. While businesses certainly have a lot to say to their customers, and use all kinds of electronic means to reach them, the same is not true of the individual. Now that we have…
Endicott Road's avatar
This what is happening to me right now. My career is waiting for a big break, and I sure hope it comes soon!
Endicott Road's avatar
This is the story of what happened when a girlfriend left me for a guy I knew to be a real loser. Enjoy.
Endicott Road's avatar
I'm ready for my closeup, dear, my 15 minutes of fame . . .
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Darkness falls, and so do I . . .