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letterseventeen's Favorite tracks on alonetone

by Letter Seventeen


I'll be there in 5

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A whole 10 song album in under five minutes. Why? Just because we can.

Is it good? Heck no.

Brett Warren's avatar
Brett Warren said

I dunno man, in some odd way this works as a suite... or as just experimental song structure. I like it a lot.

A Beautiful Scene's avatar
A Beautiful Scene said

HAHAHa, look at this guy AMUC, so easily dis...ooh skittles! What were we talking about again?

AMUC's avatar
AMUC said

Just the right length for my limited attention span - Squirrel! (darting away)

wilsun's avatar
wilsun said

Brilliant! Probably the shortest 10 song album in the history of everything.
