lgh's listening history

lgh's avatar
You gotta love Bob Dylan! I LOVE Bob Dylan! Here's one of my favorites of his.... LG - Lead Vox & guitar Wayne 2nd Vox & guitar Background noise - family & friends LG
odh's avatar
Mid ninties recording. For the Trawler Tapes album.
odh's avatar
Another old one from back in the mid ninties. Everyone that's ever written a song has written a song called Baby Blue. This is mine. Lyrics Baby Blue, Baby Blue I love you, yes I do I'll admit, I think about you Baby I can't face…
odh's avatar
Another old one from back in the mid ninties. Everyone that's ever written a song has written a song called Baby Blue. This is mine. Lyrics Baby Blue, Baby Blue I love you, yes I do I'll admit, I think about you Baby I can't face…
Dave simonson's avatar
Creep Hard rock cover. I know its not the best but its my own version. Its not like the slow one commonly heard. Sorry if the sound is un even but i was just messin around and wanted to make a version that sounded different
Dave simonson's avatar
Creep Hard rock cover. I know its not the best but its my own version. Its not like the slow one commonly heard. Sorry if the sound is un even but i was just messin around and wanted to make a version that sounded different
darkkozel's avatar
Brendon McKenna's avatar
Brendon McKenna's avatar
Ccquared's avatar
A song written about my experiences chasing dragonflies on my elementary school playground... right? Yeah, we'll say it's about that.