lgh's listening history

bethanyreivich's avatar
Original from Thai nothern folk artist name "Jarun Manopetch" about how to be a lady.
lgh's avatar
LSP drunk and jamming....LOL Holdempok - lead guitar Chad 'The Rock' - Vox & bass LG - drums LG
lgh's avatar
A Holdempok original - played by the full LSP lineup... Holdempok - vox & acoustic guitar LG - 2nd guitar Andy - bass guitar Chad - drums LG
James Michael Taylor's avatar
Yeah, I know. I can't understand it either. TESLA Who invented remote control? TESLA Who invented the fluorescent light? TESLA Who invented the radio? TESLA And who died alone and forgotten in 1943? TESLA So, you say now, “Don’t be…
James Michael Taylor's avatar
Yeah, I know. I can't understand it either. TESLA Who invented remote control? TESLA Who invented the fluorescent light? TESLA Who invented the radio? TESLA And who died alone and forgotten in 1943? TESLA So, you say now, “Don’t be…
BalorMysko's avatar
lgh's avatar
Well I suppose we hadn't got to drinkin' yet, 'cause this.n here sounds pretty good! Holdempok - Vox & acoustic guitar LG - lead guitar Chad - drums LG
epimeison's avatar
For that beautiful, faraway, lost and gone past time.
lgh's avatar
Experiment #2 .... LOL LG
lgh's avatar
Holdempok wrote this. We actually recorded this take here at work, in the lunch-room after hours... Holdempok - Vox & acoustic guitar LG - lead guitar Chad - drums LG