lgh's listening history

Larry Toropin's avatar
Larry Toropin's avatar
Larry Toropin's avatar
GONeil's avatar
Rock Sounds for whatever it is that your hunting for, maybe your guitar, maybe your keys maybe something under the ground, on the ground ,etc..,,, and who knows maybe even your mind ??? Copyright: March 31st 2011 3:33 PM EST
Scott McCarley's avatar
A mostly true story about a kid I knew growing up. It didn't end so good. That story is finished in Teenage Hurricane.
Scott McCarley's avatar
A mostly true story about a kid I knew growing up. It didn't end so good. That story is finished in Teenage Hurricane.
Morgan Hill's avatar
Psychedelic Blues - A plant grown from the roots of Robert Johnson, treated by Koko Taylor, cared for by John Lennon, continued growing in the hands of Tom Waits and finally adopted and infused as a hybrid by Morgan Hill. Something new that somehow…
Sletzte moi's avatar
This song is a parody to the Austrians. Just how they talk, how they whine about everything. It basically tells you to look at the bright side of life. Lyrics: Letztens hockta wieda amoi do und haut aus über´s Lem. Jo wos ned ois so schlecht…