lgh's listening history

dj num izisoundsystem's avatar
kinda hectic techno
Discount Deity's avatar
Not really a "Fun in the sun" Beach song. More like a Beach at midnight. Still, there is a pretty big Beach Boys influence here, I think. The backing vocals were staggered to sound like waves breaking on the beach. Not 100% sure it worked…
Dirty Spirits's avatar
simple story but mostly sick throated yeller.
Dirty Spirits's avatar
dark rocker and our featured track.
Dirty Spirits's avatar
tale of a few past relationships that just never could get to the "next level" and sort of a tribute to aging punksters.
Dirty Spirits's avatar
this is a song that came from the pain of dealing with idiots that just dont get it on a daily basis. newest mix tries to deal with vocal vs instruments imbalance.
Dirty Spirits's avatar
this is a song that came from the pain of dealing with idiots that just dont get it on a daily basis. newest mix tries to deal with vocal vs instruments imbalance.
Dirty Spirits's avatar
this song never really came together because of my flawed vocal rig. everything is mixed weird to try to compensate. K.G. did his best and brought it a long way.
moschell's avatar
My take on Hearts Of Mars song Net Negative Impact. I strongly recommend you go listen to there original version here on Alonetone. Thanks for letting me cover it guys.
lgh's avatar
Holdempok email'd a composition he had created, and I added some guitars to it.... He asked me to upload it for all you's... LG