Mike Denison (Lumberfork)'s listening history

Malcolm Worthy's avatar
Just me and guitar. I wrote this song around 1997. It's not a song that's about 1 thing in particular - just what ever was happening at the time.
Andrew Sweet's avatar
No explanation to this one. Enjoy!
thetworegs's avatar
Poor old Reg walks the roads alone....again......Acoustic & Vocal.... No-one don’t know nothing (Lyrics) Life’s got a little crazy since it all went bad the angels up in heaven are looking down at me real sad cause no-one knows my name cause…
Mike Denison (Lumberfork)'s avatar
... some terrible singing ... found some old things that I never uploaded ... thought I uploaded this one, maybe deleted it out of embarassment. Forgive me. <3 I know I said I would always be there. I know I said you would always be mine…
Malcolm Worthy's avatar
(John Lennon) This is the first cover I've ever recorded. Not only is it a great song, it's super easy to play. Only two chords and nothing too challenging vocally.
Malcolm Worthy's avatar
Recorded to 1 track with 1 microphone. This is a "live" recording (audience of 0). Just acoustic guitar and vocals.
Malcolm Worthy's avatar
Recorded to 1 track with 1 microphone. This is a "live" recording (audience of 0). Just acoustic guitar and vocals.
thetworegs's avatar
I've been sent to the cellar by the wife as she has a visitor...bad luck hey!...so i got the acoustic down of the wall and even tried a little harmonica...hope you enjoy........ Over the Hills and far away (Lyrics) over the hills and far away…
Movement To Contact's avatar
Weaver of seams Sew me a dream Stitch me a shirt Of anger and hurt Pull out my hair For all that was fair Then make me a comfortable Jacket to wear
Reefwalker's avatar
A not so traditional cover by one of my favs, Led Zeppelin Shaking the covers out for springtime :)