makemusic's listening history

rewind's avatar
A remix of Jonathan Coulton's "Code Monkey".
jennifer's avatar
A piece I produced for Classical Public Radio last fall after interviewing conductor Stefan Sanderling. What he has to say about music and why he does what he does is powerful, especially against the backdrop of music from Shostakovich's Symphony…
Mic Doja's avatar
This song is for fans who like fast rapping and tight beats.
Mic Doja's avatar
This song is not really about anything other than the fact that now I'm finally in the music arena and I'm not going anywhere.
Mic Doja's avatar
This song just focuses on good music and the fact that music is not about what the industry portrays.
Mic Doja's avatar
This song is going to be the intro to my debut album. I wanted choose to make a beat that would't be the norm in Hip Hop.This beat was the result and everything else just fit. This song is all about BECOMING somthing even though friend or foe…
Mic Doja's avatar
This song is for fans who like fast rapping and tight beats.
Mic Doja's avatar
This song is not really about anything other than the fact that now I'm finally in the music arena and I'm not going anywhere.
Mic Doja's avatar
This song is about just that. Freedom. It's also about how the freedom that you think you have, but don't have.
Mic Doja's avatar
This song is something I wrote for my girlfriend. When I made the beat I just kind of came up with the song.