DJ Joey G.
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Don't take it personally if you don't enjoy this song. This is a lot of experimental stuff. It's rough at times, but give it a chance!
I'm spinning a high school dance, so I decided to screw around with some high school-appropriate music (minus the last song)
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I'm spinning a high school dance, so I decided to screw around with some high school-appropriate music (minus the last song)
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I'm spinning a high school dance, so I decided to screw around with some high school-appropriate music (minus the last song)
Don't take it personally if you don't enjoy this song. This is a lot of experimental stuff. It's rough at times, but give it a chance!
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Hailing from The City of Champions, DJ Joey G. is a spectacular addition to the urban DJ pool. Only the finest of fine songs will be heard in any of Joey G.’s lavish mixes.
from The City of Champions, PA, United States
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5 tracks