Mannequin Races's listening history

Mannequin Races's avatar
This is basically a simple organ jam with some glitch elements thrown in for good fun!
Mannequin Races's avatar
This is a quirky piece. I'm not really sure if the sounds go together but I kind of like it. I made this piece with Reason 4.
Mannequin Races's avatar
This is my newest song made using Reason 4. Compositionally it might get slightly repetitive but I am hoping that there is enough variation that it will keep the listeners attention through the whole piece. Enjoy and let me know what you like…
sixmilewide's avatar
to long for an intro to short for a song but we like it!
Sudara's avatar
Rough and Slow acoustic version of the more poppy [lifeline glu and sudara collaboration]( If you like 4 minutes of the same 3 chords, you'll LOVE this song. Now that I have two microphones…
Mannequin Races's avatar
Compositionally this song started out with the drum pattern and grew from there. I'm not sure why I chose the title 'Mad Man' but in some ways I thought it was fitting. Anyway, this song is dedicated to crazy geniuses whose academic work is…
Mannequin Races's avatar
My first composition that uses an odd time signature for a few measures. My drum fills are also more elaborate. It's just a little tune to bob your head to, tap your toe, you know, the good stuff!
Mannequin Races's avatar
A fun little instrumental that incorporates elements of chiptune sounds mixed with other non-chiptune sounds.
Mannequin Races's avatar
This is my newest song made using Reason 4. Compositionally it might get slightly repetitive but I am hoping that there is enough variation that it will keep the listeners attention through the whole piece. Enjoy and let me know what you like…
Mannequin Races's avatar
This song is a tribute to the space monkeys named Albert. They all died tragic deaths of various kinds during their forced service to the American space program.