Mannequin Races's listening history

Skidoo!'s avatar
As Sick As Us's avatar
New track off of As Sick As Us debut EP!! Recorded at Deaf Ear Studios by Billy Seals!
Mannequin Races's avatar
My first composition that uses an odd time signature for a few measures. My drum fills are also more elaborate. It's just a little tune to bob your head to, tap your toe, you know, the good stuff!
Mannequin Races's avatar
This is basically a simple organ jam with some glitch elements thrown in for good fun!
Mannequin Races's avatar
Compositionally this song started out with the drum pattern and grew from there. I'm not sure why I chose the title 'Mad Man' but in some ways I thought it was fitting. Anyway, this song is dedicated to crazy geniuses whose academic work is…
Mannequin Races's avatar
This song is based around a sample that I took of my dish washer. The sample starts out simple enough and then gets more chopped up at the end. The song evolved from there. Also in this song is a new pedal I got that is a photo theremin. You…
Mannequin Races's avatar
This is basically a simple organ jam with some glitch elements thrown in for good fun!
Mr Sandbags's avatar
Sun is shining, the weather is sweet Make you want to move your dancing feet To the rescue, here i am Want you to know, y'all, where i stand
Mr Sandbags's avatar
Sun is shining, the weather is sweet Make you want to move your dancing feet To the rescue, here i am Want you to know, y'all, where i stand
kirklynch's avatar
Similar in feel to the other Fragile Moment track. Mostly acoustic guitars recorded sitting in my shop on the H4N and then finished up in Cubase just this morning. September 9 09. Maybe a nice one for bedtime