Mannequin Races's listening history

kirklynch's avatar
From the archives. Traditional Irish slow air. Myself on the Uilleann pipes with synth backing. This was recorded at a concert here in Weston back in I think '92. Originally recorded on an ancient 4 track machine and then transferred to cassette…
kirklynch's avatar
Several years ago I had a short lived duo with an oboe and English horn player named Nat. This is a demo from that period. It's an old old chord progression of mine that never really had a melody and Nat improvised this melody in the studio to…
kirklynch's avatar
A bit of fun for the holiday. This one features guest vocalist R.I.P otherwise known as the cheap battery powered talking tombstone
Mannequin Races's avatar
A fun little instrumental that incorporates elements of chiptune sounds mixed with other non-chiptune sounds.
Mannequin Races's avatar
Another mix of video game sounds plus acoustic instruments (a la the flute in this one). Thanks for listening!
Mannequin Races's avatar
My first composition that uses an odd time signature for a few measures. My drum fills are also more elaborate. It's just a little tune to bob your head to, tap your toe, you know, the good stuff!
Mannequin Races's avatar
This is basically a simple organ jam with some glitch elements thrown in for good fun!
Mannequin Races's avatar
Compositionally this song started out with the drum pattern and grew from there. I'm not sure why I chose the title 'Mad Man' but in some ways I thought it was fitting. Anyway, this song is dedicated to crazy geniuses whose academic work is…
Mannequin Races's avatar
This is a quirky piece. I'm not really sure if the sounds go together but I kind of like it. I made this piece with Reason 4.
Mannequin Races's avatar
This is basically an accordion jam with a nice bass line!