Marz, the Smartest Man on Earth's listening history

Marz, the Smartest Man on Earth's avatar
The original demo for this song. A curious archival document.
Marz, the Smartest Man on Earth's avatar
The classic haunted house story. Featuring a soul-melting solo by Mr. Anton Samford.
Letter Seventeen's avatar
I've been obsessed with this song since I watched a Rick Beato video that called out how the awesome guitar solo was criminally buried in the mix. Plus, it's yacht rock, and if there's one thing I love, it's yacht rock. So I set out to record…
Letter Seventeen's avatar
You wouldn't know if from my uploads over the last few months, but I rarely record covers, mostly because you hear what's WRONG, not what's RIGHT. But I had a theme of Earth, Wind, & Fire for September, so I decided to take on a huge song…
Marz, the Smartest Man on Earth's avatar
The classic haunted house story. Featuring a soul-melting solo by Mr. Anton Samford.
Marz, the Smartest Man on Earth's avatar
The classic haunted house story. Featuring a soul-melting solo by Mr. Anton Samford.