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Started my first guitar driven band 3 years ago. Early in my childhood I knew that I wanted to play guitar one day. Hearing the bands Pink Floyd and Rush at the age of 4 is how I developed a wide range of musical tastes. After hearing jazz fusion for the first time when I was 16, I started playing guitar the next year. I feel like I am the guitar God we all have needed for years. And I wanted people to know that you shouldn’t have to take drugs to understand music. Bringing backwards guitar back to mainstream music, I thought, could be best done with instrumental music. Also, some of our tracks seem unfinished. Really it is a part of our style, and for other musicians to practice along to. The first times we started recording I thought of what Miles Davis might do, and just said a couple of sentences and pressed record. Hope the best for us, maybe we can get paid for all our great tracks and potential. We have been playing music together since 2009. Thanks for listening!