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La La La I Can't Hear You

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This track started with an accident.

I started building a pattern in Elysium. When I was happy with that, I recorded a bunch of it with Live. I loop recorded with quantization. When the thing looped around, I realized that Elysium was still playing notes and overwriting the first pass. So what? Well there’s no MIDI sync between Elysium and Live so I was getting a strange syncopation… so I went with it.

Then I started adding other elements until I ended up with this big happy electro chorus. Weird. Going with it, I arranged the bits into something of a progression… and here’s the result.

kirklynch's avatar
kirklynch said

Awesome accident!

 ShamPain's avatar
ShamPain said

very solid beats. nice base and pads

Guest said


Guest said

This album just kicked in! I'm really digging this one.
