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One big Eurocity


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  1. One big Eurocity
    The title is nicked from a line in a Tuxedomoon-song. I wanted to have lyrics for this one about travelling and coming across similarities in different cities in Europe. But, alas, no time left. It’s an instrumental now.
spf006's avatar
spf006 said

Hello Monopolists! (sorry, couldn't resist playing on the name, no offense intended) I'm writing to inquire about permission to use your music in a podcast I produce and of which I am technical-director. Its called the IndieBookMan Show and explores independent publishing every week. You can check out past episodes at We're constantly pairing independent artists' music with our interviews and show topics, for which we give verbal/audio credits within the show and also links with your choice of copy on the website for each episode in which your music gets used. Please let me know if we can include you, I love the guitaristic sounds and textures that come from your synths. Keep up the great stuff, Thanks in advance, Sean P. Finn Technical Director, The IndieBookMan Show

Guest said

Great sound & rythm. Thanks

Sandy Gritt's avatar
Sandy Gritt said you've got some really quality stuff...great body of work. I'll be back.

brando's avatar
brando said

Wow. Great beat. This whole album has got me on the edge of my seat. Very engaging.

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