moschell's listening history

Colin Garvey's avatar
kavin.'s avatar
Written and produced by Michelangelo. I just added some slide reso. Mick's dad played harp.
kavin.'s avatar
lyrics by Mike Adams
kavin.'s avatar
Written and produced by Michelangelo. I just added some slide reso. Mick's dad played harp.
kavin.'s avatar
Written and produced by Michelangelo. I just added some slide reso. Mick's dad played harp.
angie fights crime's avatar
started out in 5, but i couldn't sing to that. it's not the loneliness, per say, it's just doing the same thing every day, alone, i'm not someone who needs daily tending, it's just that i would like to be tended to, eventually, and yet i remain…
moschell's avatar
kavin.'s avatar
Sunday aftnoon (11/09/08) took the reso down to the Fort Worth Modern Art Museum and recorded some doodling inside the Serra sculpture Vortex. No effects added, all natural reverb inside the structure.
kavin.'s avatar
Sunday aftnoon (11/09/08) took the reso down to the Fort Worth Modern Art Museum and recorded some doodling inside the Serra sculpture Vortex. No effects added, all natural reverb inside the structure.
jimbouchard's avatar
The title comes from reading "The Willows in Winter" to my son Maurice, which is the sequel to "The Wind in The Willows" and thinking of Toad and the sort of idyllic natural landscape. While messing around in Logic, I ended up creating a "Drag…