Movement To Contact's listening history
This is the original version of one of the tracks from my new project… rerecordings of some of my early solo recordings.
I found this vocal in my phone mailbox. Not sure who Reg was calling but I'll take advantage of the wrong number he dialed :-)
...with light emerging among the old branches, and staring at the nought.
Remastered from 4 track circa 1987. The backing track was shoved into one track (drum machine, casio CZ-101 synthesizer bass, rythmn guitar) - the vocals are buried because I wrote a song that was way way too high for my range. The backwards-ness…
The opposite to 'Highway Star' by Deep Purple. This is a car song, but with a couple arguing inside it.
Not autobiographical, but it is a true story! Heard this story on NPR and had to pull over on the HWY to write this one down.Got home and had it done in 20 min. Recorded @ Halvorsound all parts by Hook.
Written about a bar called Sobels in Richmond, Va about '96-'97. Many shots on a Sunday afternoon led to this tune which is really a description of the bar itself. I'm on vocals/acoustic, Justin Lineberry on keys, Forest Young on drums, Chris…
Another one written around '94-'95. Don't remember why I wrote it but I always loved the tune. I'm on vocals, all guitars & sax at the end. Justin Lineberry on organ, Chris Carmichael on bass and Forest Young on drums. Recorded @ Urban Geek…
Written about a tough young lady I met on my thru hike of the Appalachian trail in '96. Recorded @ Halvorsound all parts performed by Hook.