Movement To Contact's listening history

kirklynch's avatar
Similar in feel to the other Fragile Moment track. Mostly acoustic guitars recorded sitting in my shop on the H4N and then finished up in Cubase just this morning. September 9 09. Maybe a nice one for bedtime
kirklynch's avatar
Solo acoustic guitar recorded January 2nd 2009. Hope to do a longer more developed version at some point ,but for now just a short version to learn more about using new DAW software.
CB Band (Cees Borger Band)'s avatar
For the horror fans... Album Freewheeler.
kavin.'s avatar
It's a 100 degrees F in the shade here. Covering a John Fahey tune, which was inspired by Charley Patton.
Norm's avatar
Abakua refers to a secret, Afro-Cuban, male society of percussionists - as I understand it, one had to be initiated into this society before they would be taught how to play percussion in their style. One of their hallmarks is to impose what I…
Norm's avatar
Abakua refers to a secret, Afro-Cuban, male society of percussionists - as I understand it, one had to be initiated into this society before they would be taught how to play percussion in their style. One of their hallmarks is to impose what I…
Norm's avatar
Rumba Columbia is a traditional Cuban pattern in 6: the "go-to" pattern for 12/8 - if you have only heard one Afro-Cuban rhythm in 12/8, this is probably it. As an energetic Afro-Cuban dance, Rumba was often suppressed and restricted because it…
Andrew Gombas's avatar
For the indignant lover who won't walk away in all of us...
Andrew Gombas's avatar
I wrote this song for the first person I ever fell in love with to tell her that I loved her. I figured that if she didn't feel the same way, it would be less awkward. Win!
Andrew Gombas's avatar
I wrote this one about this guy I worked with in a two man show. Do I feel guilty? Meh.