Movement To Contact's listening history

Simfonik Plague's avatar
Check out the quasi-reggae breakdown right in the middle. The chorus is in 7/8 with the exception of the last measure, which is 8/8. Mike does the backup vox.
Simfonik Plague's avatar
Two-part tune. The first part is "Untitled," and the second part (based on the last bit of "Untitled") is "Sugar." We went for the slow version for the record. We also play "Punk Sugar" and have messed around with "Country Sugar" and "Reggae…
DrumJunky's avatar
This was written while living in the studio. For some reason this song seems like music appropriate for a chase scene. This is all bass and guitars yet. Vic's working on it.
DrumJunky's avatar
Slightly twisted, odd. I like this one a lot...I think I'll do something more with it.
DrumJunky's avatar
Wrote this little piece from 7/14/09 to 7/15/09. A lot more metal than I'm used to playing. Played on my broken-neck Epiphone semi-hollow.
DrumJunky's avatar
Another older song. It's intentionally short. It makes it's point and moves on. No need to drag it out. There used to be more. The song started as a minute-thirty idea, but we had the intention of building it later. We put some cool parts…
DrumJunky's avatar
This is a serious idea. Gives a good feeling of what this can become.
DrumJunky's avatar
‘Cut Up’ was a very challenging song for writing bass parts. The guitars in that song are rhythmically dominating. The pay off was a dense piece of music.
DrumJunky's avatar
This song always puts you in a weird mood...forcibly sways your emotional state. There’s some kind of weird juju laced in that song that screws with your emotions no matter how you're feeling. This song uses a lot of layers for bass along with…
DrumJunky's avatar
Slightly twisted, odd. I like this one a lot...I think I'll do something more with it.