
DrumJunky's avatar

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DrumJunky's avatar
DrumJunky's avatar
Wrote this little piece from 7/14/09 to 7/15/09. A lot more metal than I'm used to playing. Played on my broken-neck Epiphone semi-hollow.
DrumJunky's avatar
Slightly twisted, odd. I like this one a lot...I think I'll do something more with it.
DrumJunky's avatar
This song always puts you in a weird mood...forcibly sways your emotional state. There’s some kind of weird juju laced in that song that screws with your emotions no matter how you're feeling. This song uses a lot of layers for bass along with…
DrumJunky's avatar
This is a serious idea. Gives a good feeling of what this can become.

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glu's avatar
![a photo](http://farm2.static.flickr.com/1109/708221937_5dcf038ba0.jpg)
glu's avatar
Instrumentation: fretless bass, tabla, acoustic and distorted acoustic guitar, hang drum samples (courtesy of Sudara), soft synth (AAS Ultra Analog), ambient sample of the jungle (pitched down two octaves) a sprinkle of ebow (from my Sudara files).
haz's avatar
Experimenting with my piano/keyboard skillz and a first attempt at record clapping. Needs a good go over with some quality drums and some better arranging. Everything sounds very "synthy" on account of I don't have any quality VSTi at the moment.
Wildgeas Music's avatar
One of my favorite songs of all time and one of my favorite voices. Thanks M.T. My Skin Some days I’m fine Yeah some days I feel sublime All the time But then there’s days I wanna crawl out of my skin And leave it in A…

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Lalo Oceja's avatar
This is the book number four: Numbers. This is a book of war... a cry of war. Yes! this one has a lot of Gustav Holst influence and the first chord is very like Mozart's Don Giovanni... tell me what you think about it please. thanks.
kirklynch's avatar
A moody solo acoustic thing that I came up with playing in a long forgotten tuning. Just got a new Zoom H4N, so this was recorded in my shop sitting at my reedmaking bench may 12 2009
counterinduction's avatar
performed by counter)induction on 13 June, 2008 in New York NY, featuring guest flutist Jennifer Grim. Note: 'Li Bao’s lament, ‘Fighting South of the Ramparts,’ was probably written in 751, a year of significant military defeats for the Tang…
Graduate's avatar
One of my darker tracks. This tracks epitomises how RPM felt for me; A progressive struggle where I just got my head down and got stuck in with the thing. In a phrase, this track says to me "Just fucking get on with it."

Latest Comments

DrumJunky's avatar
This was written while living in the studio. For some reason this song seems like music appropriate for a chase scene. This is all bass and drums...no guitars yet. Vic's working on it.
Guest said

Solid rythum

DrumJunky's avatar
This was written while living in the studio. For some reason this song seems like music appropriate for a chase scene. This is all bass and drums...no guitars yet. Vic's working on it.
Movement To Contact's avatar
Movement To Contact said

Nice primus kick to it

DrumJunky's avatar
‘Cut Up’ was a very challenging song for writing bass parts. The guitars in that song are rhythmically dominating. The pay off was a dense piece of music.
Movement To Contact's avatar
Movement To Contact said

Drop the bass just a bit, bring the guitar up a tad, and you've got it. Really there is no right or wrong answer.

DrumJunky's avatar
Wrote this little piece from 7/14/09 to 7/15/09. A lot more metal than I'm used to playing. Played on my broken-neck Epiphone semi-hollow.
Movement To Contact's avatar
Movement To Contact said

Nice feel

DrumJunky's avatar
This is a serious idea. Gives a good feeling of what this can become.
Norm's avatar
Norm said

Of your loop intended samples, I like this one best.

DrumJunky's avatar

I’m a bass player more than anything else. I’m really liking alonetone. Let me know what you think of the pieces I upload!

from San Diego, United States

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