Nachei's listening history
The Legend of Munga Brown lives on!! Andy has the idea to write a whole book about the Life of our friend Munga Brown. He sent me the lyrics and I wrote the music and recorded all instruments and vocals
Munga dances down the street
How do you create your world? With these things I'm using right now.
The song is part of the soundtrack from my book, "PRONOIA Is the Antidote for Paranoia: How the Whole World Is Conspiring to Shower You with Blessings," which can be found here…
Uploaded is M. Adam, family guy, musician and teacher. Today is Sunday is his first official release as a solo artist. He also plays guitar in the two alternative rock bands Lunatic Skydance and Concerto HiFi. M. Adam lives and works…
Probably the single saddest song I ever wrote. This album is kind of a combination of hope and longing and loss. This one is definitely about loss.
same story but actuly my 1st mix
please comment and tell me what you think