Nachei's listening history
US Copyright #SRu-1-157-746 Effective 4/1/2014
Guitar Music and Performance by Michael William
Andersen with pre-existing music by Creedence
Clearwater Revival.
A shorter piece this time, as it was recorded INSIDE the refrigerator.
More than 400 hours of production and 7 supercomputers stuffed with plugins were used to achieve the exact pitch of the refrigerator you listen in the background.
This song simply tells you to be yourself cause that the best you can be, Its with my man Sliq-em enoy..
I mean, this was recorded in the dungeon of a hostel in Bristol (UK), one Thursday at 5AM. I don't think it gets more secret than that...
I mean, this was recorded in the dungeon of a hostel in Bristol (UK), one Thursday at 5AM. I don't think it gets more secret than that...