Nachei's listening history

Max Sipowicz's avatar
My girlfriend came to the music store with me yesterday to get my new delay pedal and she patiently waited while i checked it out.. so this is dedicated to her. Musically, I tried to create a rhythm and texture using only natural harmonics…
lsd25's avatar
keri45's avatar
More Naija Musics @
Tim Gourley's avatar
An 8-bit groove recorded from the NESynth iPhone application and a little love from GarageBand and the Mac text-to-speech tools. Here are the lyrics: Thought over capacity I cannot achieve Maximum velocity Digital heart racing Multiplexing Enumerating…
thetworegs's avatar
The Stones piled into the cellar last and Mick and Reg got exchanging ideas and they came up with this one . Sung by Reg with Keith playing the Cello and Mick on the piano but he had had a far bit to drink so.......................
hills's avatar
Mitchell white's avatar
a friend of mine recently talked about suicide, needless to say i was left kind of emotionaly everywhere so i funneled it onto a page.
jonmarinelli's avatar
something i wrote a little while back. it reminds me of vanille from FF13. wutz a 'limiter'? lulz
martination's avatar
A fanfare
Mike Denison (Lumberfork)'s avatar
This is one of my favorite Morphine songs. I can't compare to the original, but it's a song I've always loved, and I think it suits my style... if I have one. :) Raw, no mixing, no effects.