Naomi Daulby's listening history

Naomi Daulby's avatar
Guitars: Matt Rowland Billy was mixing this track for a friend (Matt Rowland) and as it was a track I know well (I must have sung along to it a thousand or more times) I thought I'd like to record the vocal. So here it is. Mic used: SM58…
Naomi Daulby's avatar
I had to record 32 separate vocal takes to build the backing harmonies for this track sang by my sister Anna.
Paul Matthews's avatar
So, after my Kate Bush arrangement recently, another trip down memory lane to the fantastic female performers from the 1970s, and here is my take on this 1979 classic sung by the wonderful Judy Tzuke. Arranged, performed and mixed by myself, with…
Paul Matthews's avatar
Pleased with this orchestration and the Tina Arena arrangement of this iconic Kate Bush classic...have always loved it! Produced and performed by myself, except for the stunning vocal performance by Tina of course ..... (Original Song…
Naomi Daulby's avatar
Joanna Hone recorded her vocals on her phone and sent them to us.
Paul Matthews's avatar
Lovely to work with the talented Ms Daulby again...she had asked for a version of this super Beverly Craven classic and I was happy to oblige! Thanks to 13111y for his usual excellent tweaking and mastering......
Naomi Daulby's avatar
This was recorded at our home studio with the guitar tracks being sent to us by Soq in Jordan.
Naomi Daulby's avatar
Recorded by Jim Macaulay with Billy on bass, Steve Scagell on guitar and my sister Anna on BVs.
Naomi Daulby's avatar
Lockdown 2020. Recorded, mixed and mastered at home by me & Billy.
Naomi Daulby's avatar
This is one of the first songs that Dad taught me. It's from the album Mitchell/Coe Mysteries - Exiled. One of my favourite albums ever! Lead and Backing Vocals: Naomi Daulby Piano and Orchestration: Performed and recorded at home by Paul…