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by Newbold


Whispers in Stillness Sung in High Elvish

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Below is the story of the lyrics for this:

rearrange to make the message one of stoic positivism

Enduring Light (Stoic Positivism Remix)

Verse 1
We rise in light, though shadows fall,
A quiet strength through it all.
Memories flow like steady streams,
Guiding us through waking dreams.

We are the echoes, stars in flight,
Steadfast through the endless night.
Flowing through the boundless skies,
Shining bright, we rise and rise.

Verse 2
Mountains shift, rivers change,
In every spark, we rearrange.
In stillness, find the peace we seek,
Bound by love, serene and meek.

We are the echoes, stars in flight,
Steadfast through the endless night.
Flowing through the boundless skies,
Shining bright, we rise and rise.

No storm can break, no fear can bind,
We rise with peace in heart and mind.
No need for form, no need for time,
In acceptance, we truly climb.

We are the echoes, stars in flight,
Steadfast through the endless night.
Flowing through the boundless skies,
Shining bright, we rise and rise.

In every pulse, we stand secure,
A quiet flame, patient and pure.
Calm, calm, we find our way,
Enduring light through night and day.

This version transforms the message into one of stoic positivism, focusing on inner strength, resilience, and calm acceptance of life’s inevitable changes. The tone is one of quiet endurance and rising above challenges with grace, reflecting stoic philosophy’s emphasis on control over one’s own reactions and maintaining inner peace.

translate the lyrics into Tokien’s High Elvish

Translating the lyrics into Tolkien’s High Elvish (Quenya) involves a combination of existing vocabulary and some adaptation, as Quenya is a somewhat limited constructed language. I’ll translate the core phrases while staying as true as possible to Tolkien’s grammar and word choices.

Enduring Light (Quenya Translation)

Verse 1
Auri orilyë, mal lómë lantë,
Lina alta ter ilyë.
Ilyë móli nenilyar sírë,
Tiruvatyë lúmenna lin.

Lámen alcar, eleni órar,
Voronda sírë, lúmen loica.
Sírun lúmen, menel órar,
Siluvat tenna, orilvamë.

Verse 2
Oronti rilyar, sírë nar,
Ilyë lintë nár úmë,
Ilyë calma hlarë,
Námenna melmë lenna.

Lámen alcar, eleni órar,
Voronda sírë, lúmen loica.
Sírun lúmen, menel órar,
Siluvat tenna, orilvamë.

Úva nar lá, úva canë,
Orilyë va ambaro láta,
Ilyë i turë rilyan cenen,
Ilyë i tië lá nár cauma.

Lámen alcar, eleni órar,
Voronda sírë, lúmen loica.
Sírun lúmen, menel órar,
Siluvat tenna, orilvamë.

Ilyë calmar orilva,
Calma auren cuilë níca,
Leva, leva, menelya ambar,
Siluvat or i lúmë ar aurë.


  • Quenya’s grammar and vocabulary have some gaps that required creative phrasing, and certain abstract or modern concepts may not exist exactly in Quenya, so I adapted meanings to fit.
  • Tolkien’s Elvish often has multiple potential translations for similar concepts. Here, I’ve chosen the most fitting terms for ideas like “light,” “enduring,” “night,” and “stars.”

This translation tries to capture the essence of stoic endurance, peace, and timelessness.

Now transliterate the lyrics into English phonemes that will create the sounds of the High Elvish when sung by an English speaking female singer

Transliteration into English phonemes will attempt to preserve the sound of Quenya for an English-speaking singer. The goal is to maintain the melodic, flowing nature of the Elvish language while making the pronunciation easier for English speakers.

Enduring Light (Quenya Phonetic Transliteration)

Verse 1
OW-ree oh-REE-lyeh, mahl LOH-meh LAHN-teh
LEE-nah AHL-tah tehr EEL-yeh
EEL-yeh MOH-lee NEH-neel-yar SEE-reh
TEE-roo-VAH-tyeh LOO-mehn-nah LEEN

LAH-men AHL-kar, EH-leh-nee OH-rahr
VOH-ron-dah SEER-eh, LOO-men LOH-ee-kah
SEE-roon LOO-men, MEH-nehl OH-rahr
SEE-loo-vaht TEHN-nah, OH-reel-vah-meh

Verse 2
OH-rohn-tee REEL-yahr, SEE-reh NAHR
EEL-yeh LEEN-teh NAHR OO-meh
EEL-yeh KAHL-mah HLAHR-eh
NAH-mehn-nah MEL-meh LEHN-nah

LAH-men AHL-kar, EH-leh-nee OH-rahr
VOH-ron-dah SEER-eh, LOO-men LOH-ee-kah
SEE-roon LOO-men, MEH-nehl OH-rahr
SEE-loo-vaht TEHN-nah, OH-reel-vah-meh

OO-vah NAHR LAH, OO-vah KAHN-eh
OH-ree-lyeh VAH AHM-bah-roh LAH-tah
EEL-yeh EE TOOR-eh REEL-yahn KEH-nehn

LAH-men AHL-kar, EH-leh-nee OH-rahr
VOH-ron-dah SEER-eh, LOO-men LOH-ee-kah
SEE-roon LOO-men, MEH-nehl OH-rahr
SEE-loo-vaht TEHN-nah, OH-reel-vah-meh

EEL-yeh KAHL-mahr OH-reel-vah
KAHL-mah OW-ren KWEE-leh NEE-kah
LEH-vah, LEH-vah, MEH-nehl-yah AHM-bar
SEE-loo-vaht OR EE LOO-meh AHR OW-reh

Pronunciation Notes:

  1. Stress generally falls on the penultimate syllable (second-to-last), except where capitalized to indicate stress on the final syllable.
  2. “C” is always hard, like in “cat.”
  3. “R” is lightly rolled or tapped, similar to the Italian or Spanish “r.”
  4. “Quenya vowels are pure, similar to Spanish or Italian, so avoid diphthongizing them (e.g., “a” is always “ah,” not “ay”).
  5. “L” is soft and light, almost like the “l” in “bell.”

This phonetic version should flow smoothly for a singer while capturing the ethereal quality of High Elvish.

–– Udio prompt
Female vocal, ambient, drone, meditative, experimental ambient,

Newbold's avatar
Newbold said

Beautiful ❤️ thank you 🤩
