5299 tracks by Newbold
abstract noises - o yeah abstract music: I hear there is no known market for these actual creations... then again I am not looking to market them I guess there is no need for you to read this as well it just makes you think the sounds that these…
experimental new noise sounds far out ready hots
the mess we can mesh means more mountains then there are spoons some.. right. look on the bright side the really bright lights from our sun ,,, HI
who ever thinks this is easy would have lots of practice and then maybe just maybe it would work right? my second work in the same performance panels...
some practice if that would change anything really... but how I practice is to do my best at all these things :)
little is big but is big little?
power posting sorta without the gusto maybe..
spleded works in time/space references no idea need to move on. work load dizzying as such tentitive early posts of video works..
I am altering the cosmic egg for an omelet while there is still time om om ome omelet yep.
synchronized spinning in circles very fun. Let the fun begin.. sorta.movie in construction some.
banter beyond noids of voids and so on. not yet moved by intensity or of the ideas.
transitory migration techniques with the video to ride on... Peace Peachy peas put oms. all you need to do is wait for the video to upload so on..
this stuff is so slow to produce that i forget the original motovation and just loose interest .. ahyyy this is the single line of music that the previous song was made from...
this is so good, I like this so much it is apart of my beingness inside the night and mornings..
the video's are being uploaded and created as I type this... enjoy
cutouts of the really bent lighting effects 3. layered and mixed. the texture of that 48:48 minute sound scape just cut up and layered together..
midstream corrections and such twenty minuter sound work cut into four pieces and then stratched and layered one atop the other,..
about thirty minutes of practical practice recorded then put together in five five minute parts averaged out... and tempered together at last..
it is the stuff like this that needs me to listen to a few times before I get the idea... it is all…
no no no not Been to the lights but bend of light across space like :) had to clarify that diddle
this is the revolution of droning on. and on.
bliss dronish borgs from the future... long and docile remix already being rendered. :) this stretching this is good.
I do know that if I switch to five point speaker output this would be off the planet good but I am not done with the stereo like mixings.. enjoy ..