5285 tracks by Newbold
most of that as it is. going to be. possible youtube influence here.
something put together on the fly two stereo tracks only.. kind nice too.
Buggy in the world as a Venus fly trap and then some... so yeah plants can be of a carnivorousness nature too. this one is quit deeply sick. more so then not.
As this was made just before they locked me in the hospital for observation reasons and then they needed to change the medications I am on. The new meds make me drool. lovely ,
dibble dabble hobble haphazardnion. beep
this one is neat but the next one in render mode may take some time before it gets published here.
neat mixture here: I am going to mix the video for this now.
the end is where I just like go off in the synthesizer work.
part two of four with the fifth part done differently.
yes not all of this went to the video recorder but most of the four things went there... other stuff afterward will be uploaded later as well.
something of the longerish version of the other aeon song kinds.. :) yes video is going to be posted post productions.
something recorded during the mixing of a video work sorta right smack dab in the middle of a 6hr video work sorta toward the beginning... it is not done and uploaded or else i could do a v= thingy... just wait it is coming soon.
some fed feed back thru loops of things way back when it was fun to do this.
something off the wall of sound or so it is thought ,, I am back I had been doing the alt-name meaning the artist formally known as "now"... hehehe or even "new" but I am back as A-corn :)
although the video is from the other day the idea is…
the long version is twice as long going to try for a video soon with the long version much droneish like ambiance