Nick P's listening history

curtise's avatar
Money Spent Words & music by Curtis Campbell © 2007 As life goes on it’s rocky trail We know not what ahead prevails It’s love we want, but can’t achieve Once loved and lost, so hard to believe Those that try, not knowing the…
Paul Lennon's avatar
It's yours if you want it. I'm open to making changes
Paul Lennon's avatar
Feel free to use my track. I'm open to changes
Paul Lennon's avatar
It's yours if you want it. I'm open to making changes
oldrottenhead's avatar
a song for a friend w/m oldrottenhead drumloops bass guitar electro acoustic juno di and vox
E.Strong's avatar
Getting back at it!
Tom's avatar
by Kevin Barnes
MemphisMaiden's avatar
I used quite a few layers of guitar as you might hear in this song, I even used my little Höhner with nylon strings to play base ! LOL... I also used my Ibanez 6 string and my more than beloved Yamaha 12 string, all three are acoustic guitars…
fuzzfilth's avatar
curtise's avatar
Tale of a tombstone Think Of Me ©2010 Words by Curtis Campbell & Kevin Pearson Music by Curtis Campbell On top of the hill at Rollin’ Oaks There’s a row of weathered marble stones One chiseled with two simple lines That serve to…