Norm's listening history

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Prophet 12 and Linnstrument
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Solo 17 edo guitar with effects
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Contributors: Edgar Allen Poe Reader Alexander Thomas Greene - A DREAM WITHIN A DREAM Take this kiss upon the brow! And, in parting from you now, Thus much let me avow- You are not wrong, who deem That my days have been a dream;…
vaisvil's avatar
a layered song in "normal" tuning but strange modes in a band format.
vaisvil's avatar
Linnstrument playing a track of Diva (Mondara), Exhale (free-ish 12), percussion and a fretless guitar with effects / occasional ebow.
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Wanna go for a ride? Hop on in! (Many thanks to JQScutt for his excellent guitar work!) Lyrics: Charlie Ryan & W. S. Stevenson Guitar: jqscutt Percussion & Vocals: Norm Lyrics: Have you heard this story of the Hot Rod Race…
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At a recent charity event held in my small town's train museum, I was admiring a massive brass train bell when the curator walked up to me. I commented that a bell would really rather be heard then seen, and he agreed. I offered to digitally record…
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The island of Cuba was a Spanish possession for almost 400 years (1511-1898). The land-owning elite held social and economic power, supported by slaves, both indigenous and of South American and African descent, until slavery was abolished…
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In case you are in the mood today to kick some ass with Mike and me. Congas, Vintage Bass Cocktail Drum, Bongos, and (of course) Cowbell. Concept=>Drive=>Plan=>Engagement. 6/8
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Just another obscure saint. Not much known about him. Probably much more important and significant than any of us will ever realize. Oh, yeah, and then there is Saint Simon. Same thing for him. RIP Alex. 3 Congas, Vintage Bass Cocktail…