Norm's listening history

pugilistas's avatar
Playing with reverberation and stretching, part of a larger ambient piece for the RPM2010 challenge. It uses heavilly effected and modified samples and VST Synplant.
pugilistas's avatar
Late night, last piece from a Himitsu session. Very laid back. All electronic. Recorded on minidisc and rescued later from a random hard drive.
pugilistas's avatar
A piece from a Himitsu session.
pugilistas's avatar
Himitsu jam session. This little piece reminds me of driving through small towns in Mexico on Sunday morning, with the light just pinking the horizon, and the entire towns' populace heading to mass to the sound of the church bells.
pugilistas's avatar
Himitsu jam piece. I am responsible for the synth slide trombone here.
pugilistas's avatar
An ambient beacon for the weary soul.
pugilistas's avatar
Cthulahoop recording. Monkey, the base element of the human alchemy.
pugilistas's avatar
Cthulahoop recording commenced after a peculiarly strong dream. Uses samples of a friend's digerido run through an analog filter. Definitely dream state.
pugilistas's avatar
Wisians are those strange foreign people with odd customs, and funny hats. They love to party. Have you seen one recently?
kirklynch's avatar
Several years ago I had a short lived duo with an oboe and English horn player named Nat. This is a demo from that period. It's an old old chord progression of mine that never really had a melody and Nat improvised this melody in the studio to…