Nøstalgia's listening history
This song was my first attempt at writing specifically for keyboard. I think it came out really well!
If you stick out the verse-chorus-verse structure at the beginning, the song comes back with a vengeance right at the end!
If you like…
Hey,Noemi Lintag! Ay us ba? This is my new style! Ma lu pet. ha ha ha
HE'S RIGHT BEHIND YOU. We thought this instrumental was just dying to be in a horror flick. The producers went with DMX instead. Really? up in here?
Ehrlich, Ich liebe die Band Pendulum. Ich bekomme eine Menge meiner musikalischen Inspiration aus ihnen.
Honestly, I love the band Pendulum. I get a lot of my musical inspiration from them.
Meine Freunde sagen, dieses Lied gehört in DDR. XDD ahahaha.