OHHO's listening history

OHHO's avatar
Wrote (oz) this when I was commuting to an out of town job for 16 months, this was at the end of it. I was exhausted and this pretty much captured my thoughts at that time. Wrote it about a year ago. This is the demo I recorded over some video.
OHHO's avatar
Getting near 50 so, this is a song of that. Changes those who are getting there know what I'm talking about. Nothing deep, but I like it.
OHHO's avatar
Bit of a down moment for me. Just trying to figure out where I'm going. Spiritual song. Oh, and the song is by Osborne only. So don't blame my bandmate for it! ;-)
OHHO's avatar
This came about after the death of a friends wife from lung cancer. He said that he would sit at the kitchen table and talk to the empty chair just like she was still there.
OHHO's avatar
Pretty much the title says it all. It's about memories of my brothers and me. Only one of my brothers remains. My other brother only lives in my memories. This is for my brother Mark who became my sister Sandra. She passed on to a better place…
OHHO's avatar
This song is based on Romans 3:12 and Mark 10:18. It kept bugging me until I wrote it.
OHHO's avatar
A song based on Psalm 27.
OHHO's avatar
When I wrote this I was not thinking about the verison commercial! Though God always has the best reception! The chorus is based on Psalm 17:1-7.
OHHO's avatar
When I wrote this I was not thinking about the verison commercial! Though God always has the best reception! The chorus is based on Psalm 17:1-7.
OHHO's avatar
The song came from the phrase May I be Worthy. As a christian it's a constant battle to feel worthy of the sacrifice that Jesus made for ME! I thinking of trying to do a chorus for it, but it be fine just the way it is. Suggestions are of course…