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OHHO's avatar
Bit of a down moment for me. Just trying to figure out where I'm going. Spiritual song. Oh, and the song is by Osborne only. So don't blame my bandmate for it! ;-)
OHHO's avatar
Getting near 50 so, this is a song of that. Changes those who are getting there know what I'm talking about. Nothing deep, but I like it.
OHHO's avatar
Wrote (oz) this when I was commuting to an out of town job for 16 months, this was at the end of it. I was exhausted and this pretty much captured my thoughts at that time. Wrote it about a year ago. This is the demo I recorded over some video.
OHHO's avatar
I was going to call this Edge of Glory but Lady Gaga beat me to it, so I think Glory's Edge works as well. Song inspired by Matthew 14:22-33 where Jesus walks on the water and Peter steps out of the boat to come to him. It's Peters' thoughts…
OHHO's avatar
First cover I've done. I've always liked this song by John Lennon.

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OHHO's avatar
Bit of a down moment for me. Just trying to figure out where I'm going. Spiritual song. Oh, and the song is by Osborne only. So don't blame my bandmate for it! ;-)
markgoldsack's avatar
This is my eldest daughter Amy singing with me strumming badly in the background. One take, no edits, it's exactly how we did it 15 mins ago!
igor's avatar
Tango, yeah... It often seemed to appear as displaying the life itself, but in reality it's just... ~tired passion~
kirklynch's avatar
A bit of improv done yesterday with my newly refurbished fretless guitar. Finally got the midi pickup to track almost right! Part of the sounds were gotten by rubbing a teaspoon on the strings.
henwrench's avatar

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Andrew Russe's avatar
First new one from me in a long time. Kind of a love song, I guess. Recorded in my new "studio" (3rd bedroom in the new house). Almost up and running now... shine and don't stop wondering! **** **Shine - A A J Russe** On my way…
Andrew Russe's avatar
New original from me, hot off the old wotsit. When it was half written yesterday, I was considering binning it as a throwaway exercise - I do that quite often. But I played the songwriting demo to someone else and, er, apparently I should finish…
James Michael Taylor's avatar
I can't remember her name. I saw her at Kerrville back in 2005. A little blond that always wore a leather cowboy had, played keys and wrote music for movies. (Someone remind me.) COULD SHE KNOW Could she know I think about her Thinking…
another cultural landslide's avatar
Dedicated to all musicians who get asked "what do expect to get from making music?"
forest fagan's avatar
Recorded this as an affirmation that no matter what may transpire I will still want the love of those dear to me. Even in my darkest hour I still recognize that there is a light within all that reminds us of love!

Latest Comments

OHHO's avatar
Just a redo on the old Christmas story of the birth of Jesus with a bluesy feel.
Guest said

Nice lead guitar.

OHHO's avatar
This is mine(Osborne). It started out as just a instrumental tune, but I wanted some lyrics. Brian couldn't come up with anything, so I had to write them myself!
Guest said

Love the finger style.

OHHO's avatar
Guest said

Fun song! My favorite on your site today. Maybe some more salt & pepper or spices, even in a frying pan? Some strips of chicken or steak, & I'd love it (maybe a little meat in the song? But perhaps the point is that a fun little blues tune doesn't need meat?)

OHHO's avatar
Guest said

Good stuff!

OHHO's avatar
Just a redo on the old Christmas story of the birth of Jesus with a bluesy feel.
Guest said

Very nice!

OHHO's avatar

Songs here are from the RPM ’07 CD Highway 59, RPM 08 CD Geezer, RPM ’09 CD Sound Bites, and a CD by Oz and Son called Oz Squared. All four CDs were recorded as part of a world wide challenge to musicians everywhere to record 35 minutes or 10 songs of original songs in 28 days (2007) (www.rpmchallenge.com) or 29 days in 2008. Oz and Hutch have more than met that challenge, all three years!

Also for play are ten songs from Oz Squared a CD that Oz and Son did for the RPM 08 challenge.

from The Gulf Coast, United States

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