Open Concept's listening history

Open Concept's avatar
All Vocal and Beatbox Original....Come aboard this Lucid Dream and let the beat guide you through.
Open Concept's avatar
Flow to this new original by oPen cOncept! Only vocals and beatbox accompany this fun track. Get crazy, tonight we're going to loose our minds....
Open Concept's avatar
NEW ORIGINAL!!! ONLY Vocals and Beatbox front to back. Coming at ya with something you can swing to. Thanks as always for checking us out.
odh's avatar
Here is the first song that Morrissey and Marr wrote together in their first session in Steven's loft, Summer 1982. Before even the Smiths came into being properly.
thetworegs's avatar
I got myself a little bargin off ebay a Zoom GFX-707 £25 and have been playing around with the effects's a tone i like so of course i tried to mould something to it ...i feel i've made a bit of a breakthrough with teaching myself the…
thetworegs's avatar
DJBride put this backer up on Songcrafters looking for some lyrics and i couldn't resist so here's my second Friday nights offering for you ears...the original instrumental can be found here…
Open Concept's avatar
NEW ORIGINAL!!! ONLY Vocals and Beatbox front to back. Coming at ya with something you can swing to. Thanks as always for checking us out.
Open Concept's avatar
NEW ORIGINAL!!! ONLY Vocals and Beatbox front to back. Coming at ya with something you can swing to. Thanks as always for checking us out.
Open Concept's avatar
Trying something different this time. Coming at ya with soft melody into hard Dubstep. We used samples and loops in production to really blow it out for your listening pleasure.
Open Concept's avatar
NEW ORIGINAL!!! ONLY Vocals and Beatbox front to back. Coming at ya with something you can swing to. Thanks as always for checking us out.