Orphans's listening history

Orphans's avatar
Four by Four World Lyrics Boudreau Music Jim Tramontano Well i wont pretend to hide i choose not to step outside my four by four world Cast all your thoughts aside Dont question or criticize My four by four world i'm challenging you…
Orphans's avatar
Simple Plan T Boudreau Wandering soul, do as your told and come back inside it's getting cold I've been waiting here with hope n fear and my hands on the wheel til you decide to steer Mr. Hollowtree you're a mystery to me you stand tall…
Orphans's avatar
Gardens Toms Tune / Lyrics Coffee-stain savior appears on my page To guide me through headlines of sorrow and rage Whispers of scripture from some empty tomb Try to convince us the end will be soon But I don't believe the things that…
Orphans's avatar
First Lie Chris Tune / Toms Lyrics I heard you singing from the roof tops saw you swinging in the trees tripping on a cough drop dealing your disease I watched you watching from the washroom heard you tumble down my stairs passed out…
hesseroni's avatar
Orphans's avatar
The Long Hard Line ( t boudreau) I locked myself inside in my mind Slammed the doors and drew the blinds I searched my soul to see what i'd find Purged whatever wasn't mine There comes a time when we find We must draw that long hard line…
Orphans's avatar
Belladonna (Timbob Tune / Chris Lyric) I see her beauty shines so bright In the red summer sunlight Venus casts her blinding light Much to Mars’ delight A molten marriage of fire and ice The seductive serpent in paradise She’s the Goddess…
Orphans's avatar
Fly Before You Can Fall Toms tune / lyrics A foreign place another time A different world in a future life Fast-forward to sudden rewind And my mind can’t seem to process it all It fights hard to get it right then eventually stalls And…
Orphans's avatar
The Mornings Aint Warm (Boudreau) planted deep in the back of my head are the seeds of things my daddy once said and up sprouted this stubborn old tree with fading roots and lofted dreams there's still a couple of two by fours suppose…
Orphans's avatar
Place In The Sun Toms Tune / Lyrics It’s the spiraling mind that’ll slowly unwind And scatter thoughts for no one to find It’s the restless heart that simply come's apart Forever searching for a new start No I’m not one to ever come…