Orphans's listening history

thetworegs's avatar
Reg is doing well but everything around him seems to be stopped or running at half speed...like its on rewind....he's findiing it hard adjusting to the normal pace of life after all those years on fast forward....... STUCK IN A CLOUD CAN NOT…
thetworegs's avatar
The RPM journey begins here....Reg has fallen again it was soon after he got wagon he was falling off...but he's come to a crossroads and this time he means it this time....things are going to change..... TOMORROW IT STOPS Another week just…
Orphans's avatar
The Mornings Aint Warm (Boudreau) planted deep in the back of my head are the seeds of things my daddy once said and up sprouted this stubborn old tree with fading roots and lofted dreams there's still a couple of two by fours suppose…
Orphans's avatar
Thanksgiving Day 11/28/11 Its cold like November in the autumn of my life Too far to remember my subtle suicide And your words came and swept me away And i woke up on this Thanksgiving Day I was lost like a child in a secondhand store…
Orphans's avatar
Orphans cover the classic!
Orphans's avatar
(a question of) Relevance tboudreau We cling to the edge of sanity one falls as the other holds on We devour our own stabilities and pass the blame like a hot baton And the more we try to insulate the deeper that we crawl The threshold…
Orphans's avatar
Falling Down C. Maiorano Travellin', my memories a time machine Re-living former glory and shame On a quest to find out what this all means No excuses, only myself to blame Cruisin' on a road to redemption Steer clear the potholes of…
Orphans's avatar
Thanksgiving Day 11/28/11 Its cold like November in the autumn of my life Too far to remember my subtle suicide And your words came and swept me away And i woke up on this Thanksgiving Day I was lost like a child in a secondhand store…
Orphans's avatar
Simple Plan T Boudreau Wandering soul, do as your told and come back inside it's getting cold I've been waiting here with hope n fear and my hands on the wheel til you decide to steer Mr. Hollowtree you're a mystery to me you stand tall…
Orphans's avatar
Sublime Intervention (nobody cares) (t boudreau) I peaked thru a hole in my soul and saw you standing there Ringing the bell of my heart I forget where we left and that’s a great place to start We took a fling on the wing of a wild thing…