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Guard the Depths

Jeff Gordon

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September 12 - This could be that inner voice that might prevent someone from expressing themselves creatively, or from pursuing any other goal that might cause fear or resistance. Partially inspired by the Stephen Pressfield book “The War of Art.”

Strike a match
Feel the burn
In the darkness
You don’t understand

Break the latch
Find your turn
Escape the starkness
This is no wonderland

If you try, you’ll find me laughing
And you won’t get very far
You’ll soon be frantically trying
To prevent another scar

Guard the Depths
And all will be fine
Guard the Depths
I insist that you confine
Yourself to this dungeon
You don’t want to face the wrath
That I’ll bring down upon you
If you fail to tow the line

Stay inside
No thought of leaving
Keep your dreams
Here safe with me

It’s best to hide
Don’t start believing
You might rip the seams
That keep you here for free

But don’t attempt to try my patience
You don’t want to know
What’s really out there
And what it all would show

Guard the Depths
And all will be fine
Guard the Depths
I insist that you confine
Yourself to this dungeon
You don’t want to face the wrath
That I’ll bring down upon you
If you fail to tow the line

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