Jeff Gordon
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This is for the Movie Title Challenge - I was randomly assigned Whip It. Of course the first thing I thought of was Devo (love that track). Not familiar with this film and only briefly looked up the plot, which this lyric has nothing to do with…
Time has a way of passing by
In the blink of an eye
And once in awhile it moves in slow motion
So here we are, our special day
On our magic highway
Let's give our love some more devotion
25 Years and we're just gettin' started
25 Years…
Last skirmish of this years 50/90. Great prompt: "Wonder"
The days
The Days of Wonder
Are they gone
Gone forever
It makes me sad
I thought I'd never
I'd hoped my hard-nosed nature was a fad
With blinders on
Can't see the beauty…
Song #50!! Another part of the super-skirmish weekend. Prompt was to use 5 of 10 randomly generated words. I used: cowgirl, alaska, fools, madness, top, taco
Drivin' down Main I noticed her license plate
Man, she was a long, long…
Another superskirmish, prompt: "Hideaway".
I find myself at odds
With everything about this world
I wanna shout up to the Gods
And that's when
I know I need a break
A quiet place to settle in
For everybody's sake…
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Fawm prompt Looking forward first real use of the cuatro!
Fawm 6 a quick jaunty pop song to SR Coops really nice lyric
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September 20 - 2 hr. Sunday skirmish. Prompt - "sleep" - got this in in just over 2 hours.
Sometimes when I wake
I have an uneasy feeling
Like a leafy yard that needs a rake
What am I not revealing
There must be something going…
Next superskirmish, 1-hr write - prompt: "Unexpected (Something you didn't anticipate, whether a Positive surprise (a wonderful occurrence/event) or a Negative one (a challenge/obstacle/disappointment)" So of course the subject of aging was…
Last skirmish of this years 50/90. Great prompt: "Wonder"
The days
The Days of Wonder
Are they gone
Gone forever
It makes me sad
I thought I'd never
I'd hoped my hard-nosed nature was a fad
With blinders on
Can't see the beauty…
Week 10 challenge - Place Name. I lived in LIC for about 4 of the 10 years that I lived in NYC. While mostly not a true story, I do love Long Island City - it's very close to Manhattan and has a distinct and individual charm. For those who…
Another superskirmish, prompt: "Hideaway".
I find myself at odds
With everything about this world
I wanna shout up to the Gods
And that's when
I know I need a break
A quiet place to settle in
For everybody's sake…
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Its all about being true to yourself and not letting the demons get you - remember your lies will comeback to you
V1 The darkness it comes to me
Before sleep penetrates this gloom
I reach out to touch you
Yet I know you’re not in the room…
I wrote this one in response to a song writing challenge from the Minnesota Association of Songwriters. The title had to be Mississippi Moon and it had to have a I V VI I II chord progression somewhere in the song. Over 20 writers have signed…
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Song #50!! Another part of the super-skirmish weekend. Prompt was to use 5 of 10 randomly generated words. I used: cowgirl, alaska, fools, madness, top, taco
Drivin' down Main I noticed her license plate
Man, she was a long, long…
Colleen Dillon
Okay... I totally LOVE this song!!!! What fun to write from those prompts and come up with this happy masterpiece.
Song #50!! Another part of the super-skirmish weekend. Prompt was to use 5 of 10 randomly generated words. I used: cowgirl, alaska, fools, madness, top, taco
Drivin' down Main I noticed her license plate
Man, she was a long, long…
Superskirmish L - one hour write (except I went over by 15 minutes) - prompt: "The Road Ahead"
I Can't See the Road Ahead
We're in the kind of storm I dread
Driving slower so I might find
A speed where I won't feel so blind
This feeling…
Song #50!! Another part of the super-skirmish weekend. Prompt was to use 5 of 10 randomly generated words. I used: cowgirl, alaska, fools, madness, top, taco
Drivin' down Main I noticed her license plate
Man, she was a long, long…
Last skirmish of this years 50/90. Great prompt: "Wonder"
The days
The Days of Wonder
Are they gone
Gone forever
It makes me sad
I thought I'd never
I'd hoped my hard-nosed nature was a fad
With blinders on
Can't see the beauty…
Andrew Russe
Woo! Nice one. Followed. Looking forward to hearing more of your stuff (I'm playing catch up after being quiet for a few weeks)
from New York, US
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